Agenda 21 - Unconstitutional Conservation
The gradual emergence of Agenda 21 from concept to implementation can be seen either as world society waking up to environmental priorities with the need to enforce sustainable development, or as a project in social engineering and an infringement on private property rights.
Agenda 21 was first introduced to the international arena at the UN Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. 178 governments voted at Rio to adopt the program. It has since been adopted by over 200 countries.
Lately we’ve seen signs of implementation of Agenda 21 in the USA and elsewhere. It was reported in 2010 that approximately 1500 families in Miami, Florida were losing their homes due to a directive from Miami-Dade’s Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM) which classified nearly 8.5 square miles in Florida as protected wetlands.
(1) Whatever the reasoning within DERM - if the restored wetlands would act as a buffer zone to ease future flooding fears - such directives were a change of procedure in the USA which amongst other things has infringed on private property rights - a foundation stone of the US Constitution (Fifth Amendment) and a principal guarantor for people’s liberty. The due process of law has been challenged as well. Code officials have been given extensive powers never before seen and which some have termed, “Gestapo!”(2)
Currently, the Chinese government is attempting to move approximately 250,000,000 people from rural areas into urban areas. With construction of large apartment blocks happening now at a frantic pace, they hope to complete this task in twelve to fifteen years.
(3) Maybe the Chinese experience can be seen as a forerunner to the latest global environmental dictates. China’s long history of authoritarian rule probably says a lot for the early introduction of living restrictions in that country (One-Child Policy, 1978) and similarly says a lot for the way American values have been undermined in recent times that resistance in America to programs like Agenda 21 has been very weak.
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