Scientific flaw in chemtrails/HAARP response from a congressman
on May 13, 2014 at 8:22 PM
It is more than unfortunate that people of major influence within our own government are denying the existence of Chemtrail and HAARP programs in America!
Here is an example of such ignorance, or shall we call it ”plausible deniability”?
Kimberly A Whitaker
~~~I sent a letter to my Congressman and my Senators on Geo Engineering and this was my first response back from them~~Have a read~~~
~ Steve Daines ~
U.S. Congressman for Montana
U.S. Congressman for Montana
Montana At-Large
206 Cannon
Office Building
(202) 225-3211
May 9, 2014
Montana At-Large
206 Cannon
Office Building
(202) 225-3211
May 9, 2014
Dear Ms. Whitaker:
Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns with the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and your worries that lingering clouds left in the wake of airplanes are dangerous to air quality and are possibly chemical or biological agents released deliberately by government agencies. I value your point of view and appreciate the opportunity to respond.
I received my college degree in Chemical Engineering and I like to approach issues with a scientific perspective. Aircraft can naturally leave residual lines in the sky. The result of this condensation process is called a contrail and occurs as water is condensed due to exposure to cold air. Scientists have observed that water molecules cannot evaporate as the condensed water freezes, which results in a process in which the solid turns into a gas. Contrails can sometimes stick around much longer than your breath due to air temperature. Again, this occurrence is natural, and I believe there is no evidence to suggest nefarious activity by the U.S. government.
HAARP, meanwhile, is a joint Air Force and Navy endeavor to enhance knowledge of radio science, surveillance, and space systems. As summarized by the Department of Defense, “The HAARP team is investigating an atmospheric layer of charged particles known as the ionosphere. These charged particles impact long-range communications and space operations and HAARP’s goal is to understand this impact so they can improve these systems.” Although I do not serve on the House Committee on Armed Services, which has jurisdiction over the program, I will keep your concerns in mind should the full House of Representatives vote on related legislation.
Again, thanks for contacting me. It is my number one priority in Congress to represent the values and interests of the people of Montana, and your input is very helpful as I do. I invite you to visit my website, to sign up for periodic email updates on the issues important to you. I won’t flood your email box, but I will provide you with updates once in a while about activities in Washington that affect our lives in Montana. I hope you will sign up so that we can stay in close touch, and I look forward to hearing from you again in the future.
Steve Daines
Member of Congress
Steve Daines
Member of Congress