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- Scooby Doo investigates the bedroom tax and IDS by joehalewood
Posted by : Unknown
Friday, 18 July 2014
Scooby Doo investigates the bedroom tax and IDS
by joehalewood Pictures displayed by Street Democracy UK
We have stopped the burgeoning welfare benefit spend the country cant afford chirps IDS ad infinitum
We have cut Housing Benefit spend with the Bedroom tax and Benefit Cap (blah blah blah)
It is only workless scroungers who claim Housing Benefit (blah blah blah) Here’s a graph of those in work and claiming HB!
Oh by the way dear reader all the above simple graphs come form figures produced by …Yes you’ve guessed it IDS’s own Department of Work & Pensions. Would you like a few more? Oh ok then!
What about we can’t afford the burgeoning welfare state argument (blah blah blah) How much do we in the UK spend as a percentage of our GDP compared to other European (boo hiss!) countries. The Economist tells us:
Yes those well known welfare benefit spendthrifts the Germans can manage to afford to send 12% more than the UK on their welfare state.
Surely then the Germans must be taxed more to afford this largesse on welfare benefits. Lets’s see what the Economist says on that:
As you can see the Germans pay the same effective tax rates but receive more in employee social security
You care for some more lies IDS’s DWP says about welfare benefit spend? Here is what they said this week after they released the allegedly independent report into the bedroom tax
And here again in a form so simple even DWP can not misunderstand is the official DWP figures for the Housing Benefit spend
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